Prince` 發表於 17-7-2010 15:10:52

FML who the hell is you?

well I dced in the morning and then i cant log it back.
afterward, I back to school, my acc still logging in.
but then after i come back home, MY MONEY IS ALL GONE.
all cash and iron and coal are gone.

UM if you are the hackers, ty for helping, hope you die well soon ^^

aclet0821 發表於 17-7-2010 15:25:29

I guessed right = = really someone hacked u =,=
Btw... when u d/c, u can't log straight after?

Clmak814 發表於 17-7-2010 15:32:30

本帖最後由 Clmak814 於 17-7-2010 15:34 編輯

1) 比人muted/ban
2) hacker系你玩緊果時狂login, 一分鍾後佢成功
d/c 後入唔番AC既情況
1) 人物比怪打緊 唔會立即logout
2) Hack

p.s. 點解要問我地nakuzers -_- 可能系網上其中一個高手hacker.. 或者你同某人share acc之後..?

乂呀仁乂 發表於 17-7-2010 17:25:50

last ip is what???

Megarunes 發表於 17-7-2010 17:54:45

money is not the biggest problem how about ur def lvl???

XnX 發表於 17-7-2010 17:54:59

1) 比人muted/ban
2) hacker系你玩緊果時狂login, 一分鍾後佢成功
d/c 後入唔番AC既情況
Clmak814 發表於 17-7-2010 15:32
stupid points.
It's either

gf Prince,funny thing is you care bout coal and iron

sannyhui 發表於 17-7-2010 22:19:15

你沒有Set Bank PIN 吧? 那可是你財產的最後防線呀.

但始終錢財乃身外物. 最怕是Hacker老羞成怒之下做一些會令你永遠被Ban的行為. 那便很麻煩了.

小笨紫 發表於 17-7-2010 22:37:25

樓主有沒有去網吧之類果d公眾場所入你個RS ac-0-?

Prince` 發表於 18-7-2010 00:07:11

money is not the biggest problem how about ur def lvl???
Megarunes 發表於 17-7-2010 17:54

    still 46. l0l anyway i fails.

Prince` 發表於 18-7-2010 00:08:11

stupid points.
It's either

gf Prince,funny thing is you care bout coal and ...
XnX 發表於 17-7-2010 17:54

i care about coal coz yesterday i just spend like 3/4 of my cash on them.
was getting 85Smithing.. my plan got interrupted. :/
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