樓主: _Armadyl_
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成為player mod 的條件

發表於 7-1-2008 11:37:50 | 顯示全部樓層
Maybe, Armadyl boy is still too freaking small and he does not know whats the right or wrong or good or kai things to do...

Too do the real good, I also wanna say that I read this thingy b4 on here : http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007122204736

By the way,

1. A mod should not post any fake picture to mislead people (eg. posting a fake picture saying he got a armadyl hilt.)

2. A mod should not steal people's work from other forums. (eg. copy and paste the works of other forums to Nakuz forum without and citing.)  

In addition,

1. A good rs mod would really deduct 20 points from noobs who post fake picture. (eg. deducting a noob that post fake armadyl hilt pictures for 20 point.)

[ 本帖最後由 kit034 於 7-1-2008 11:59 編輯 ]
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發表於 7-1-2008 12:11:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 _Armadyl_ 於 7-1-2008 11:49 發表

我5係mod,5洗同我講e d野

Sorry .. I dunno what you mean.. I just add some more addition about what a mod should or should not do ja ma...
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發表於 8-1-2008 11:58:25 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 cool_snow 於 8-1-2008 09:40 發表
點解你地唔問下樂古其中一位版主 *Ah_馳, 以我玩左兩年半多 rs, *Ah_馳係我所知既
hk rs forum 第一個做到 rs pmod 既香港玩家, 你地問下佢啦~!!!

不過可能新玩既人未必知, 因為*Ah_馳唔係成日提住自己係 pmo ...

True!! I also found it wonderful when I first know the mod of this forum (that has many rwt threads) is in fact a rs p mod.

Light and Shadow must exist in the same time.
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